There are key facts about beach nourishment that need to be understood:
1 - Beach erosion is real, continuing and getting worse in some areas: summer tides restore some but not all of winter losses
2 - Beach nourishment works: The Federal Government lists over 2,000 successful projects along the east cost and more than 300 in North Carolina.
2 - Most of Currituck’s 24 miles of beach are ok - for now
3 - A couple of miles in Corolla ARE at very high near-term risk: the county’s engineering studies and on-site inspections show this and they are some of the highest revenue generating areas for the county
4 - Costs can be covered without additional taxes on the mainland: a special beach tax district and a portion of Occupancy Tax can make it work, covering a couple of miles of the worst erosion every year as needed
5 - County commitment will restore real beach tax revenue growth by restoring investor confidence and tourism competitive advantage lost of Dare County